⭐️MARKET OF STARS⭐️ Theatre of Dreams Cropped Bamboo Bohemian Kimono with Swan
⭐️MARKET OF STARS⭐️ Theatre of Dreams Cropped Bamboo Bohemian Kimono with Swan
I am absolutely obsessed with these!! Each one is a piece of art. Literally! They commission artist to create each magical piece. Combing real vintage elements with a nod to modern enchantments, Market of Stars is a Canadian, Eco-Friendly Unique, Renascence of Fashion, Like wearing a fairy tale…
Please feel free to ask me any questions✨
We're delighted to be featuring New York
painter Jennifer Lane's art in this vivid new
collection, where wild deer frolic in the deep
woods behind lush velvet curtains. We love
the world of her paintings, where everything
is a richly imagined and storied daydream!
Jennifer lives on a historic farmette in rural NY
and creates her art in a centuries old barn on
her property. Inspired by a love of antique
textiles, classic motifs and the seasonal
beauty of the natural world, her work has a
romantic and timeworn feel that's easy to get
lost in. Her paintings marry perfectly with our
purpose here at Market of Stars: to create
poetry you can wear.
100% bamboo/wood viscose.
Kimono meaurements: length 24”, width
(across back, underarm to underarm) 29”.
Model is 5'9 for reference.
boho gypsy chic lounge bohemian christmas
artisan holiday gift
Care Instructions: Hand wash
Fabric: 100% bamboo/wood viscose.
Boho bohemian art artist artistic hippie renaissance unique one of a kind handmade gift Christmas present birthday office elegant kimono robe soft cozy poetry